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​In February 2025, New Relic Theatre brought Lord Byron's ghostly closet drama Manfred to the New York Society Library's Members’ Room. Byron wrote this icy Romantic tale of technological alienation while living with the Shelleys at the Villa Diodati in Switzerland. Set in the midst of a howling Alpine storm, it tells the Faustian—possibly autobiographical—tale of a nobleman haunted by guilt and visited by a series of symbolic spirits. 


This presentation also featured a look at a rare early edition of Byron's work from the Library's Special Collections.


Director: Eliza Palter

Producer: Chris Phillips

Stage Manager: Ellery Cordes

Costuming: Anna Rudegeair


Cast: Elijah Levi-Dabby, Freddy Vaccaro, Kelsey Malanowski, Nicole Albanese, Samori Etienne


Presented in collaboration with the New York Society Library.

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