a midsummer night's dream

Do you want to believe? Get trapped in a tractor beam by this adaptation of Shakespeare’s best-known comedy. Youthful idiocy, credulous crunchies, and whatever the government’s been hiding from you collide in a roaring midsummer (get it?) farce. The Faeries may be a dream of the past, but their flying saucers will still send you on a trip.

Director: Eliza Palter
Producer: Anabel Getz
Stage Manager: Liz O'Hazo
Sound Design: Sam Cormier
Props Design: Madeleine Burrow
Photo & Video Lead: Jenni Loo
Cast: Aidan Reid, Andrew Molinari, Andy Tyrrell, Dan Ruescher, Eliza Palter, Emma Stern, Gary Simons, Healy Knight, Jenni Loo, Kelton Miller, Leanne Maduka, Liz O’Hazo, Madjanah Walters, Michael O’Hazo, Nicole Albanese, Nolan Peacock, Sam Cormier, Zach Magid