Textural, stark, and vibrant, this clamorous adaptation investigates the many dualities at the center of Shakespeare’s most studied text. Untethered from time and place, Romeo & Juliet zeroes in on the intricacies of Shakespeare’s classic text to explore the emotional extremes of friend and foe, divine and erotic, and—most iconically—love and loss.
Director: Eliza Palter
Producer: Chris Phillips
Stage Manager: Liz O'Hazo
Assistant Director: Yasmin Ranz-Lind
Fight Choreographer: Tyler Jessey
Composer: Parth Viswanathan
Intimacy Coordinator: Willow Funkhouser
Sound Design: Samie Freedman
Production Support: Madeleine Burrow
Graphic Design: Trent Howell
Community Outreach: Nicole Albanese
Photo & Video Lead: Jenni Loo
Cast: Anna Rudegeair, Elijah Levi-Dabby, Emma Stern, Freddy Vaccaro, Healy Knight, Marlene Hoffmann, ML Sparrow, Nicole Albanese, Sabyne Santiago, Tyler Jessey, Michael Quinn, Yasmin Ranz-Lind
Archival recording of production available upon request.